

Content, Content, Content

One of the primary advantages of Video on Demand is the vast array of content available. From blockbuster movies to binge-worthy TV series, the options…

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Tips from Access Communications on how to protect your data by keeping the software on your devices current.

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Tips from Access Communications on password best practices.

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Tips from Access Communications on how to recognize and avoid phishing attacks.

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Are you looking to take the movie night to the back yard, catch kickoff at the cabin, or take your TV service to the lake? In this blog, we will explore the benefits of AccessNexTV…

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Gone are the days when speed was everything when it comes to your internet connection. If we think about the internet only based on speed, we're missing other things that impact…

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Online shopping? Ordered food? Hosting a party? Had packages stolen from your place by "Porch Pirates"? If any of these situations sound familiar, keep reading!

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It’s International Co-op Week during October 16-22 and a time to celebrate the co-operative sector. But what is a co-op? And how are they making a difference in our communities?

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Find out how AccessHyperSpeed+ and AccessSmart Wi-Fi+ can get your home up to speed!

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The Access Communication’s Children’s Fund TV Bingo is a staple in many Saskatchewan households, and its popularity has only grown through the COVID-19 pandemic. With all the buzz…

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Tricia Sutherland, Chief of the One Arrow First Nation, is responsible for the well-being of her community. Located smack-dab in the middle of Saskatchewan, One Arrow strives to be…

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TV has come a long way over the decades, from the olden-day tubes to today’s top-tech; and, Access Communications has always been proud to help lead the way. That longstanding…

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Guest access should be secure and give you more control, it must not drag down your Wi-Fi performance, and it should be simple and fun to use. Enter AccessSmart Wi-Fi+.

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Kids are using the internet for homework or entertainment now more than ever. That doesn’t mean you should have to worry about what they’re doing online. AccessSmart Wi-Fi+…

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The internet can be a fantastic tool for building knowledge, expressing your passions, and connecting us to one another. However, malicious individuals can also use the internet to…

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The internet is the ‘window to the world’ - we can look up virtually anything and have an answer in less than a minute. However, with limitless information all available in one…

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